3-Headed Prog

Cerberus, the three-headed hellhound of Hades.

For prog lovers and three-headed dog lovers, I present a trio of prog rock albums by bands new to the Crotchety ears.

The first is vintage Italian prog from 1973. The album is called Arbeit Macht Frei and you won’t be surprised to know that it takes as its theme the horrors of fascism.

1973 – Vintage Italian (cf. PFM)

At the other end of the timeline, we have another dire warning, this time about catastrophic climate change. Released in 2019, it’s called Planetary Overload Part 1: Loss and it’s by United Progressive Fraternity.

2019 – On Climate Change (cf. Yes, Gandalf’s Fist, Big Big Train …)

And, for the third head, we have the prog sounds of the seventies from the much more recent Norwegian band, Ring van Möbius. Formed in 2017, they released their debut album, Past the Evening Sun, in 2018.

2018 – Inspiration from beyond the horizon (cf. King Crimson, Van der Graaf Generator)

As readers of this blog already know, prog didn’t die in the seventies. It went to the gates of Hell and, wisely, turned back when it saw the fearsome guard dog. The journey was long, but prog has returned and is full of life once more.

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